My Advice for High School and College Grads

My Advice for High School and College Grads

mind over money mindset podcast Jun 23, 2023

I know that I have a lot of listeners of this show who listen while their kids are in the car. So because of this, I wanted to take the opportunity to offer some advice to those graduating soon and entering the workforce.

This advice is something that my dad taught me early in life and something that has helped me get where I am today. Taking advantage of the opportunities presented to you and making decisions based on what give you the most options will help you succeed in business and in life.

Tune in to hear how I have applied this in my own life and how I think the younger generation can apply this and be successful.


The key takeaways from this episode are: 

1. Challenges are an inherent part of business: Regardless of your position on the path to success, challenges are inevitable. Acknowledging their existence and approaching them with composure and professionalism is key to overcoming them.
2. Understanding common challenges at different business stages: The episode highlights significant challenges faced by business owners at various stages of growth, including hesitation in the early stages, focus in the mid-level stages, and struggles with repetition and scalability for high six-figure earners.
3. Seek support and guidance: Recognize that you're not alone in facing these challenges and reach out for support from individuals who have overcome similar struggles. Their experiences can provide invaluable assistance and guidance on your entrepreneurial journey. 


What you'll hear in this episode:

[1:15] I want to dedicate an episode to sharing advice with new grads entering the workforce or higher education that I think will be helpful.
[2:45] The best advice that I was taught by my dad for anyone embarking on a new chapter.
[5:30] Become an expert in a specialty area that requires above-average knowledge compared to the average individual.
[7:13] Key takeaways from my career working at a Big 4 accounting firm.
[9:03] Capitalizing on all of the skills that I learned up to a point in my career
[12:00] Capitalizing on your choices to give yourself the most opportunities in the future.


Related episodes: 

Do You Take Time to Appreciate Success? with Amanda McKinney

Synching Your Business with Your Cycle with Melissa Rodriguez

Defining Your Vision for a Financially Free Life with Brian Luebben



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