Proven Methods for Organic Content with Peter Vander Wall

Proven Methods for Organic Content with Peter Vander Wall

podcast strengthen - magnetic offer Mar 19, 2024

In the digital age, connecting with clients and prospects through organic content has become essential for businesses, especially professional services firms. However, navigating the realm of social media and content creation can be challenging, particularly when trying to strike a balance between relatability and expertise, and managing the fear of potential repercussions from sharing sensitive information. In a recent podcast, Shannon sat down with marketing consultant, Peter Vander Wall, to explore proven methods for creating organic content that resonates with professional service firms. Here are some key takeaways from their conversation.

Understanding the Audience's Pain Points

One of the first steps in creating effective organic content for professional service firms is to understand the pain points and challenges that their target audience faces. While it may be tempting to inundate the audience with educational content, Peter advises against this approach. Instead, he recommends agitating the audience's pain points to make them feel relatable and understood. By highlighting the specific problems and challenges that clients are dealing with, it becomes easier to demonstrate empathy and tailor solutions to their needs.

Elevating the Ideal Outcome

In addition to addressing pain points, it's essential to focus on the ideal outcome that the audience desires. Peter emphasizes the importance of showcasing the dream scenario and the desired results. By elevating the ideal outcome and making it appealing, professional service firms can align their content with the aspirations of their target audience. This approach shifts the focus from merely imparting knowledge to creating an emotional connection with the audience, thereby enhancing relatability.

Infusing Personal Stories and Narrative

Both Shannon and Peter stress the power of storytelling in connecting with the audience. Sharing personal anecdotes and experiences can humanize the brand and create a genuine connection with clients and prospects. By incorporating relatable stories and real-life examples, professional service firms can effectively communicate their expertise in a way that resonates with the audience on a personal level. Infusing narrative into content provides a window into the personality and values of the firm, fostering trust and relatability.

Borrowing Credibility and Building Relationships

For professional services firms, especially those with industry regulations and concerns about sharing sensitive information, building credibility and trust are crucial. One effective tactic discussed by Peter is the concept of borrowing authority from others. Collaborating with established industry leaders, participating in podcast interviews, and engaging in industry communities can help firms leverage the authority and credibility of others. By creating valuable content and contributing meaningfully to industry discussions, professional service firms can build relationships and earn the trust of their audience.

Navigating Sensitive Information

The conversation also addresses the reservations and fears that professionals in regulated industries may have about sharing sensitive information. While it's important to adhere to industry regulations and exercise caution, Peter cautions against letting such concerns stifle organic content creation. Instead, a balanced approach, such as offering general advice while encouraging clients to seek personalized guidance, can mitigate potential risks while still providing valuable insights through organic content.

The Bottom Line

Creating engaging and relatable organic content for professional service firms requires a nuanced approach that balances empathy, expertise, and industry regulations. By understanding the audience's pain points, focusing on the ideal outcome, sharing personal narratives, building relationships, and navigating sensitive information responsibly, firms can effectively connect with their target audience through organic content. Ultimately, the goal is to foster trust, deliver value, and establish a genuine connection that resonates with clients and prospects.

In conclusion, the podcast conversation presents actionable insights and practical strategies for professional service firms aiming to enhance their organic content creation efforts. By leveraging these proven methods, firms can overcome the challenges of relatability, industry regulations, and content creation, ultimately strengthening their connection with their audience and establishing a strong online presence.

Peter is a marketing consultant specializing in helping professional service firms scale their client acquisition. He started out as a content creator for a real estate CPA firm, helping them add multiple 7 figures of revenue over 2 years. Now he’s taken the lessons learned along the way and helps other professional service firms do the same.


What you'll hear in this episode:

04:04 Business owners often doubt their content's impact.
06:46 Identify the problem, present an attractive solution.
09:59 Pure education content evolves into attention-grabbing format.
13:51 CPAs should be relatable, knowledge is assumed.
18:57 Enhancing storytelling, collaboration and audience expansion strategies.
21:21 Best at Q and A, brainstorming challenges.
24:16 Regulations, disclaimers, and value in advice.

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